Eating Seasonally

Written by Nutrition Peer Counselor Lorelei Kilmer.

As Spring rolls around many of us are looking to include more fresh produce into our diets. There are many health benefits to eating a variety of both raw and cooked fruits and vegetables as that is how we get many of the vitamins and minerals we need each day. Through eating seasonally we support our overall health, enjoy vine-ripened and delicious produce while supporting local farms. Produce purchased from a Certified Farmers Market is grown and harvested locally, sold by the same people who grew it.. Foods that are in season often taste sweet and are more ripe and juicy than conventional, not to mention will have the most optimal nutritional quality. We often hear the phrase ”eating seasonally” in restaurants and grocery stores, but what exactly does that imply? For example if it isn't strawberry season in California you often won't see strawberries being sold at the local famer’s market however you will find them in a large grocery store because they were most likely shipped from somewhere outside of the state or even country. With this you run of the risk of getting less nutrient dense and ripe strawberries not to mention they are often more expensive when purchased out of season. When eating seasonally you are eating foods that are picked and harvested at their most opportune time to be eaten not to mention being sustainable as you are eating the fruits and vegetables available and the product that is in abundance compared to those out of season that are not. If you are interested in eating more fruits and vegetables that are currently in season check out the USDA Seasonal Produce Guide or the Davis Farmer’s Market or Davis Food Coop where you can find affordable seasonal produce. 

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